Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Horizon Review: a new arts magazine

Quick newsflash here!

I've just accepted the editorship of a new online arts magazine called Horizon Review, run under the auspices of Salt Publishing. The magazine will be published twice a year, in March and September, and will feature poetry, short stories, articles and other amusements - including experimental new media for techno-lits such as podcasts, video and interactive poems and fiction.

The first issue of Horizon Review will be available to read online from September 2008. All completely free!

To keep up with the latest developments, visit Hot Metal, my editor's blog at Salt.

To submit work by email, please see the Horizon submissions page for rules, addresses and guidance.

Thursday, 17 April 2008

"Through My Magic Window" by Simran, age 10

Here's a lovely poem I received this week from a young lady called Simran. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have.

The best poems should always surprise the reader. My favourite thing about Simran's poem below is how she manages to surprise and delight with the variety and imaginative quality of her images. Furry butterfly lions? You can't get much more unexpected than that!

If you'd like to send me a poem, and perhaps see it published here, my email address is



Through My Magic Window

Through my magic window I can see ...
Santa Claus on my roof,
Little Elves in the phone booth.
A strawberry milkshake with a pink straw,
And nobody has to listen or agree to the law.
Walls made of apple pie,
While Pinocchio's nose is growing because he said a lie.
Fairies eating strawberry pears,
While shimmering dolphins swimming in the air,
Through my magic window I can see ...
Cinderella at my door,
While furry butterfly lions are having a big roar,
So babies block your ears,
Because you may get tears.
Come and join
this wonderful journey of fantasy with me!

By Simran
School: Clifton Primary School